Note: Every video published by TechnologyAdvice properties (such as: FitSmallBusiness, TechnologyAdvice, How to Make TechWork, TechRepublic & eSecurity Planet) between mid-2022 through early 2025, I had oversight of. For this section I'll stick with things I hosted but any script or video published on any of those channels during that time period, I had to sign off on.
The Formation of Black History Month
TechnologyAdvice (Internal video)
TechnologyAdvice (Internal video)
A hybrid classic documentary, Johnny Harris / Vox-style video blending narration, archival footage, and dynamic visuals to tell a compelling story. This project focused on making complex topics engaging through clear storytelling, pacing, and motion design.
Roles & Responsibilities
Writer, Editor, Host, Creative Director
📌 Tools Used: Premiere Pro, After Effects
📌 Tools Used: Premiere Pro, After Effects
NFL Players You didn't know were related
TPS (Total Pro Sports) YouTube
TPS (Total Pro Sports) YouTube
A classic listicle video using stills and moving video. These videos were done for the typical YouTube audience of sports fans of all ages but leaning towards 18-24.
Roles & Responsibilities
Editor, Host
📌 Tools Used: Premiere Pro, After Effects
📌 Tools Used: Premiere Pro, After Effects
How Long Does Payroll processing Take?
TechnologyAdvice YouTube
TechnologyAdvice YouTube
General adaptation of script from blog post for TAcom. Topic is straight forward and business related.
Roles & Responsibilities
Editor, Host
📌 Tools Used: Premiere Pro
📌 Tools Used: Premiere Pro
Workforce analy tics best practices & tools 2023
TechnologyAdvice YouTube
TechnologyAdvice YouTube
General adaptation of script from blog post for TAcom. Topic is straight forward and business related.
Roles & Responsibilities
Editor, Host
📌 Tools Used: Premiere Pro
📌 Tools Used: Premiere Pro
Hosting/Producing/Creative direction
The Importance of a professional website
(Sponsored by Squarespace)
(Sponsored by Squarespace)
Part of a package sold to Squarespace my team put together videos that would be used to promote them.
Roles & Responsibilities
Creative Director (Rewriting/Reviewing Script and Video from Editor), Host
📌 Tools Used: Premiere Pro
📌 Tools Used: Premiere Pro
Password managers 101
(Sponsored by 1Password)
(Sponsored by 1Password)
Part of a package sold to 1Password my team put together videos that would be used to promote them.
Roles & Responsibilities
Creative Director (Rewriting/Reviewing Script and Video from Editor), Host
📌 Tools Used: Premiere Pro
📌 Tools Used: Premiere Pro
Sponsored by: Chronosphere
For: TechRepublic
Editor: Kyle Heildebrand
Hosting/VO: Justin McKenzie (as Justin Fraction)
Production Management: Justin McKenzie
Creative Direction: Justin McKenzie
For: TechRepublic
Editor: Kyle Heildebrand
Hosting/VO: Justin McKenzie (as Justin Fraction)
Production Management: Justin McKenzie
Creative Direction: Justin McKenzie
(Sponsored by chronosphere)
(Sponsored by chronosphere)
A sponsored video requested directly by the client to our sales team.
Roles & Responsibilities
Creative Director (Rewriting/Reviewing Script and Video from Editor), Host
📌 Tools Used: Premiere Pro
📌 Tools Used: Premiere Pro